laura gerte
Laura Gerte is a fashion designer and graduate of Weißensee Academy of Arts, living and working in Berlin. Each collection strives towards three ideals - fun to create, fun to wear, fun to look at. In her designs Laura explores cultural references through graphic- heavy prints and patterns. Another focus of her work is fabric and surface manipulation.The space and attention-demanding shapes and silhouettes allow her work to occupy the domain between fashion and textile sculpture.
Fashion Positions 2021 features Laura Gerte’s latest collection, multi01. In aesthetic collaboration with multisex, a Berlin-based party collective, this collection is the starting point for an ever-growing accumulation of shapes, garments, silhouettes and prints. All fabrics are sourced from second hand materials to fulfill the designers approach to solely work with upcycling. The garments promote self confidence, strength and empowerment. The prints are developed from analogue photos of the multisex partys at OHM Berlin, before covid and at a time where we could gather freely in safe nightlife spaces to express ourselves and forget about time.
For Fashion Positions, parts of this collection are shown as an intertwined textile installation.
laura gerte
+49 176 70684192