Beschreibe bitte die kreative Modeposition Deines Labels!
Please, describe the creative position of your fashion label!
Starting with the choice of a topic, up to all the model samples, we all do it ourselves – we develop paper cuts, fabrics in cooperation with the weaving mills, graphics, artwork, screen printing, digital printing, painting, hand knitting and much more. Not guided by trends, self-determined, content and topic-based.
Welches kreative Projekt möchtest Du auf der FASHION POSIITONS 2020 vorstellen?
What is the creative project like you want to realize for FASHION POSITIONS 2020?
What we present introduces our aesthetic approach of our work in general and a teaser of our new collection for the SS21 entitled „Flora Obscura“ (collection idea/text can be requested) Since 12 years we move in border areas and try to convey these respective topics within our collections through our clothing. regionality and globality, self-referential work, art, authenticity, interface to craftsmanship and tradition, art, sustainability, ecology, nature conservation are fields that we have always discussed – all these topics touch us deeply, this is what and how we live ourselves, this is what fulfill and thus inspire us.
The intention why we are here at this exhibition is primarily due to a feeling that we are currently feeling strongly. It is the feeling of wanting to open up, to exchange ideas and to enter into dialogue and debate - in times of isolation, withdrawal, obscurity, pessimism and conspiracy. Even if we like to fly under the radar, sometimes we feel like showing up.
Instagram: @anntianstudio
+49 (0) 33831 409181